The Takeaway

If you have made it this far, that means you must have completed the course – great job! Be sure to review the GRadingpage in the Course Information module to compare your points earned in the class to the letter grade scale. I try to have grading finished and posted immediately after the final exam deadline closes.

I hope you continue to apply what you have learned in this class in your future studies and day-to-day interactions. I strongly encourage you to integrate African Studies into your existing major. Since it is an understudied area, there are a wide variety of scholarships and career opportunities for all majors. For more information, visit the African Studies at SF website

This class not only provides three credits on your transcript, it also counts as one of the four courses required for SF’s International Studies Certificate. For more information about the certificate, visit the SF International Studies webpage.

If you enjoyed this class, I also teach the following course online and face-to-face:

  • ANT 2410: Cultural Anthropology: This course is an introduction to culture and global diversity.
  • HUM 2020: Introduction to the Humanities: This exploratory course examines the ways that humans express universally-shared experiences, feelings and meanings through cultural elements (art, song, film, etc.
  • REL 2300: Contemporary World Religions: This course takes an interdisciplinary approach to investigate five major world religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism.

If you have any other questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. Have a great break!
